Although much of Africa's image might seem more akin to 70's dictator with safari suit, thick dark glasses and a cigar, much of the continent sides with the anti-smoking lobby. South Africa is no exception.
Smoking in public places is banned. The mutually understood definition of a public place is somewhat more hazy. For example, a 'private' shopping mall forbids smoking once you've passed the sliding glass doors headed towards the shops. But smoking while walking down a 'public' street with shops and cafe's is apparently fine.
Restaurants should provide a physically separate smoking area, or else they are non-smoking, according to legislation. The smoking area is supposed to be sealed, with externally vented, non-recyclable air-con, with appropriate signs: and no under 16's allowed. Enter the hazy definition of public.... Many restaurants, not keen to spend the money to create a specific smoking room, put smokers outside and let interpretation take over. Non-smokers seated outside trying to persuade fellow 'al-fresco' diners to not smoke? Good luck to you.
Bars, clubs and tobacconists are considered smoking establishments, so you are legally entitled to recycle second hand smoke to your lung's content.
All internal flights are non smoking and most international airlines are non-smoking. All airports are non-smoking but restaurants may have smoking areas. Same applies to trains and stations - but there may be smoking carriages or sections.
Smokers normally gravitate to external doors to relieve themselves - but beware, the law will soon be amended to prohibit smoking within a 5 metre radius of doorways.
If it is the dry season, please do not throw cigarettes out of car windows. Fires will start and damage will happen to to property and the environment.